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About Equinix Labs

Equinix Labs offers workshops, proof of concepts, and tools for exploring and bootstrapping Equinix digital infrastructure including Fabric, Metal, and Network Edge.

About the workshop

In this workshop you will learn how to use Terraform to deploy Kubernetes addons with a vanilla Kubernetes cluster on Equinix Metal.

The goals of this workshop are:

  • Become familiar with the Equinix Metal console and tools.
  • Provision Kubernetes addons using Terraform.
  • Configure kubectl to manage Kubernetes.
  • Verify Kubernetes addons on a Kubernetes cluster.

Workshop agenda

This workshop is split into four parts:

Part Title Duration
1 Setup 10 minutes
2 Configuration and Provisioning 10 minutes
3 Addon Deployment Verificatio 8 minutes
4 Conclusion 2 minutes